Shopping information

  • How can i contact you?

    Our mail:

  • Do you offer FREE SHIPPING?

    Yes! We offer free shipping on all orders in the lower 48-states.

  • How long will it take to get my package?

    Standard Shipping- 7 to 14 Business Days

  • Can Ichange or cancle my order after l've placed it?

    Once an order is placed it enters the shipping queue immediately and cannot be changed online. If your order was placed within 24 hours, you may contact us at to find out if there is still time to modify it.

  • Trackingis not showing any movement for my order, what does this mean?

    Shipping carriers are experiencing surge demand due to high demand and COVID-19 and we have seen an increase in tracking scan issues, where shipments are picked up from warehouses by the shipping carrier, but tracking labels are not correctly scanned upon pickup by the carrier. Our shipping carriers are working to eliminate tracking issues and delivery delays.

  • Do you have a return policy?

    Return any product for any reason within 30 days of receipt for a refund equal to the amount paid for the product (not including shipping charges). The refund will be issued back to the original method of payment. As a policy, NVALUX does not cover the cost of return shipping. However, you are welcome to return your package in the manner that is most convenient for you. Please contact customer care at Mon-Fri 9AM-7PM